Disclaimer & Other Information

The Scrip is the magazine of the New Zealand Shareholders Association Inc.

There are six issues published each year, around February/March, April/May, June/July, August/September, October/November and December/January each year, with upcoming content able to be viewed online prior to publication.

NZSA Contact Information

Physical Address: Office 2, Level 5, 48-52 Wyndham St, Auckland 1010
Phone: 0800 6972-7478
Email: admin@nzshareholders.co.nz

Andrew Reding (chair@nzshareholders.co.nz)

Board Members:
Martin Hawes (martin@martinhawes.com)
Joy Marslin (joy@nzshareholders.co.nz)
Louise Nicholson (louise@nzshareholders.co.nz)
Ruth Tolise (ruth@nzshareholders.co.nz)
Chris Steptoe (chris.s@nzshareholders.co.nz)

CEO – Oliver Mander (ceo@nzshareholders.co.nz)
Administrator – Teresa Hall (teresa@nzshareholders.co.nz)
Research – Grant Diggle (grant@nzshareholders.co.nz)

Auckland – Deanna Chiang: auckland@nzshareholders.co.nz
Bay of Plenty – Lynanne Stanaway: bop@nzshareholders.co.nz
Taranaki – Margaret Egarr: taranaki@nzshareholders.co.nz
South Island – Frank Stewart: southisland@nzshareholders.co.nz
Waikato – Riki Manarangi: waikato@nzshareholders.co.nz
Wellington – Adrian Parkyn: wellington@nzshareholders.co.nz


To the maximum extent permitted by law, New Zealand Shareholders Association Inc. (NZSA) will not be liable, whether in tort (including negligence) or otherwise, to you or any other person in relation to this document, including any error in it.

Forward looking statements are inherently fallible

Information on www.nzshareholders.co.nz and in this document may contain forward-looking statements and projections.  For any number of reasons, the future could be different – potentially materially different. For example, assumptions may be wrong, risks may crystallise, unexpected things may happen.  We give no warranty or representation as to any future financial performance or any other future matter.  We may not update our website and related materials for changes.

There is no offer or financial advice in our documents/website

Information included on www.nzshareholders.co.nz and in this document is for information purposes only.  It is not an offer of financial products, or a proposal or invitation to make any such offer. It is not financial advice and does not take into account any person’s individual circumstances or objectives. Prior to making any investment decision, NZSA recommends that you seek professional advice from a licensed financial advice provider.   

There are no representations as to accuracy or completeness

The information, calculations and any opinions on www.nzshareholders.co.nz and in this document are based upon sources believed reliable. The NZSA, its officers and directors make no representations as to their accuracy or completeness.  All opinions reflect our judgement on the date of communication and are subject to change without notice.

Please observe any applicable legal restrictions on distribution

Distribution of our documents and materials on www.nzshareholders.co.nz (including electronically) may be restricted by law. You should observe all such restrictions which may apply in your jurisdiction.

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