NZSA Governance

Governance Structure

NZSA is governed by an elected, non-executive Board, comprising between 6-9 Directors. From time to time, NZSA may also appoint an Associate Director to the Board to promote future development of Directors and to add to the diversity of skills and experiences on the NZSA Board.

Further information on our Board of Directors can be found at this link.

There are three Committees of the Board as of August 2024:

  • Finance and Risk Committee
  • Corporate Assessment (Policy) Committee
  • Investment Committee

Where appropriate, the Board is able to create Working Groups to focus on specific, project-based strategic deliverables.

The CEO is not a member of the Board, but participates in all Board and Committee meetings.
Temporary Update: The CEO has been appointed to the Board on an interim basis on August 22nd 2024, for a period of three months or until the appointment of new directors. This is to ensure compliance with the minimum requirements of the NZSA Constitution. 

NZSA Constitution

The NZSA Constitution is approved by individual members of NZSA, with the last change approved during September 2022. The Constitution defines the core objectives, rules and outcomes of NZSA.

The Constitution is supported by three key policies that are governed by the NZSA Board. These policies define the internal operations of NZSA that allow it to achieve its constitutional objectives.

Board Charter

The Board Charter is approved by the NZSA Chair, developed in consultation with the Board. The Board Charter defines the culture and expectations of the Board. Each Board Committee is also supported by a Committee Charter.


Governance and Operational Policies

There are a number of other policies, governed by the Board, that set operational expectations and accountabilities for Directors, staff and individual members.

These policies are reviewed by the Board on a periodic basis to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose for NZSA and meet best-practice governance expectations.