The intent of this page is to provide investors with datasets that they might find useful. We will progressively add more to this page as we continue to expand coverage.
Shareholder Structure
This data shows listed issuers and their shareholder structure, including the percentage owned by the top 20 and the percentage owned by the largest single shareholder. NZSA notes that around a third of listed issuers have a single shareholder controlling more than 30% of shares. This is underpinning our advocacy for the introduction of a minority interests regime to the NZX Listing Rules.
Board Composition

# of Female Chief Executives of NZX listed companies:
(Out of 122, as at October 2024)
Company | Name |
Auckland Airport Limited | Carrie Hurihanganui |
Green Cross Health Limited | Rachael Newfield |
Greenfern Industries | Elizabeth Plant |
Marsden Maritime Holdings Limited | Rosie Mercer |
Oceania Healthcare Limited | Suzanne Dvorak |
Promisia Healthcare Limited | Karen Lake (one of two GM’s) |
Ryman Healthcare Limited | Naomi James (starts Nov 2024) |
Sky Television Limited | Sophie Moloney |
Spark Limited | Jolie Hodson |