Chris Steptoe

Chris Steptoe

Board Associate

I am excited to join the board of the NZSA as an Associate Director.

My journey with the NZSA began back in 2014 when I became a member. In 2016, I joined the Auckland Branch committee and over the years, I have had active role in organizing speakers for our branch meetings.

With a background in technology and funds management, I bring a diverse range of skills and knowledge to the board. My involvement as a retailer investor with NZX experience and as an analyst for an Australasian fund manager has given me a deep understanding of NZ capital markets. Additionally, having met with hundreds of CEOs throughout my career, I have gained valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by businesses.

Joining the NZSA board presents a fantastic opportunity for personal and professional growth. I am excited to learn and collaborate with a talented and dedicated group of individuals. I intend to leverage my experience and skills to actively contribute to the board’s discussions and decision-making processes.

I take pride in joining a team that has already made tangible improvements in corporate governance and has been a strong advocate for retail shareholders. I look forward to collaborating with the NZSA board, our members, and stakeholders.